On Tuesday, 1536 stocks advanced, 2301 declined and 92 remained unchanged, on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) with an advance decline ratio of 0.67, indicating negative closing of stocks in broader markets.
"The demerger will unlock the value of the real estate and hospitality business for the company s shareholders, enable a differentiated strategy to capture the huge potential of the Indian hospitality sector, and attract a distinct set of investors, partners, collaborators, and leadership talent focused on the hospitality business," D B Realty said.
On Tuesday, 1992 stocks advanced, 1811 declined and 126 remained unchanged, with an advance decline ratio of 1.09 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), indicating positive closing of stocks in broader markets.
In a persistent trend, markets maintained a consolidated range, closing flat in yet another session today. Despite this, both benchmarks made a fourth consecutive weekly gain, primarily fueled by anticipations of a peaking interest rate scenario in the U.S. and Europe. In global market highlights, the Eurozone composite PMI showed a marginal uptick to 47.1 in November 2023 from a near three-year low of 46.5 in October 2023.