Former President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday released a book titled "Ambedkar and Modi: Reformer's Ideas, Performer's Implementation" here in presence of Union Minister I&B Anurag Thakur, MoS Dr L. Murugan and former Chief Justice .
The former President said that this book is a collection of Baba Saheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi s multidimensional ideologies and their works for the nation.
New Delhi, Sep 16 (IANS) Former President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday released a book titled "Ambedkar and Modi: Reformer's Ideas, Performer's Implementation"
"Along with the maker of our constitution, Baba Saheb contributed immensely for the banking, electrification, labour management, revenue sharing system and education system of the country", the former President said while launching the book. 📰 Ram Nath Kovind, Former President, Releases Book Ambedkar and Modi’; Draws Parallels Between Them.
While speaking at the launch of the book, the former President said that this book is a collection of Baba Saheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi s multidimensional ideologies and their works for the nation. Whether this is industrial development, labours rights, self-reliance, electricity and water resources development, planning wise development of cities, education or gender equality, this book gives ideological foundation and solid information on these important issues, said Kovind.The