guess after their birth, bless them, there they are. the births were tough. i had a lot of recovery to do with internal and external stitches. as i got back into fitness and health, striving to almost be the person i was before, i guess ijust realised, hang on a minute, i am jogging realised, hang on a minute, i am jogging and i am leaking. i am sneezing, coughing, iam jogging and i am leaking. i am sneezing, coughing, i am leaking. all my checks after birth, i have a strong pelvic floor, i did all the recovery i should do, and as a former athlete i know what i have to do. i have clients i am teaching. i thought this is unfair. it led on to being bloated and realising i was not going to the toilet the same. i was not emptying my bowels the same. it led to a hospital investigation,