[applause]. in the rain. okay. that is your favorite. i love a lot of your songs but there s one in particular that is my favorite and i listen to it very regularly on my own i-pod. ; is that right. it s the second version of breaking up is hard to do. first version was wonderful. kind of a 60 s rock type version but you did a beautiful slow dance ballad of that in the 70 s that i think is my signature favorite of kneel sedaka. thank you. i think i m the only artist who recorded his song twice in different tempos. first as rock and roll tempo and 15 years later as slow ballad. we had no. 1 both times. humor me neal just humor me. a little of breaking out. tell me that you are leaving. i can t believe it s true. girl there s just no living, without you he. don t
they are giving grief for this thing. the chinese love putting ipads together. they love it. they love nothing more than putting ipads and i-pods together. i have no idea. i like the fact that you communicate with other countries and find out what they like to do. or saw the agony in steve jobs. it is one in the same. are you talking about family farms here. if this is going to fly, what, your dad can t tell you to wash the car or mow the lawn? that is a slippery slope. it is a phrase i like to say. a grain elevator and elevator made of grain? that is dangerous. it just means it elevates the grain. it does president go up and down like it doesn t go up and down. just kidding. i know what it is. you are a rube. what he said times five. coming up, how should you handle hecklers? tom says i kill them and cook their flesh and eat them for
know what they are, but these people aren t running around every chance they get when their kids get hurt working on a farm. my parents grew up on a farm. one of the things taught there is you have to work your butt off in this world. not enough kids are taught that. when it is dark out that is like really weird for people like me. you have to get up at like 4:00 a.m. and there is stuff out there that smells. bill, you were raised by a family of goats. how was growing up on a farm? i am preventing myself from saying bad in an elongated fashion like a goat. i am not going to do that. i am a farmer. the stuff i farm kids should be no where near unless, a, they are over 18, or b have glaucoma. otherwise they stay away from my crop. i don t have a farm, but i have an i-pod factory in my house.
people who really belong there are forced to listen to barbara streisand. whether they are listening to a song on the mp3, it has to be low on the list of things to worry about. the state of the prison and the role is to reform you. their penance is as a way of admonishment. you, jill, unlike everybody has done hard time. they don t de soift mp3 s but it does curb violence. should we over look the fact that it is a pleasure? we are like, yes, give themth i-pod. it might help with reform, and these guys are pumping iron in the gym at the prison all the time. can you imagine working out without the black eyed peas? they need it. you people make me sick to
heather: world is still reeling days after the death of steve jobs. jobs responsible for ground breakers like the i-pod, ipad, also the computer mouse and some of the earliest commuters ever. back with our panel. i begin with you this time. with the passing of steve jobs not as expected but it s still a passing that will be noticed and felt? it is. he is the father of technology. he is like the thomas edison of our time. and he hold to his life and for the passing. for the new ceo to take over, he dies the next day. it s something. he is a very strong man. a lesson you can learn from him. mother rather than having abortion gave him up for