the transportation department is asking for something that makes zero sense because this product emits nothing. i don t think they are educated enough to know this is smoking. you know what else the masses need to be educatesed on? chip moping eating dis chipmunk eating disorders. he only does that to tears for fears. anything else and he and the earlier stuff. if these devices aren t emitting anything, why are they banning it? i am baffled by it. is it a lull to protect people from being idiots and attacking someone for having a vaporless cigarette? i don t get how that is different from having an i-pod ear bud. if it is not bothering anybody else, it really baffles me. nick, you are a libertarian, so obviously you
so good product and an appalling method of selling. i love the apple people. what are you doing? it is not an idea. it is the interpretation. i love the apple products. but i just dread going to the store. it is a nightmare. why is that? can t they fix that? i don t know. this is only going to enrage people more. if i showed up with my i-pod and i love and it just exploded or did something weird and an employee said to me, as it turns out they would have an angry saw sill yuan. that is not acceptable. this reminds me a guy in a fight with his wife and i just lost my train of thought. a guy in a fight with his wife. typical lady. that is terribly accurate. i was talking about marriage and lose my train of thought. joe, last word to you. is it because they have they have customers over a
savers. they are reining back their spending, a majority spend less than $20 a week. it s important to remember they do have a lot of things. they have a i-pod a computer, a tv, a cellphone, they do have the basics already, but they are spending less and saving a lot more. gregg: on average, teens have nearly thousand dollars in savings. 76% say they are saving for college? that is amazing. they are hoping to make some dent. obviously what they can contribute compared to the tuition. $50,000 a year essentially. and the second reason they are saving is for emergencies that is one big lesson from the recession. there can be hard times. gregg: which brings me to the top three lessons learned by teens. very interesting. number one, important to have emergency savings if times get
another joke, i guess. all i know is i am not showing him my i-pod. by the way, on wednesday common posted on his facebook wall, quote, politics is politics and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. the only thing that should not be questioned is my support for the police officers and what they do for us every day. lost in all of this outrage over common is the fact that a true monster has been invited to the white house for this poetry thing and i mean amy man. what? she is at the same event. i am okay with common. but amy man? you mean from kill tuesday? have you read some of her lyrics? no. listen to this. save me from the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone. i can tell you would know what it is like. the long farewell of the hunger strike. she is talking about the hunger strike in 1981. that s not the type of person we want in the white house. i apologize to common. we have misdirected our
i don t know. get away from me. by the way, this is the best show ever. don t tell, don t tell. i am not going to say anything. greg a lot ept greg-alogue comment, are you saying that because they attended the same church that means the obamas are aware of all of it? i am saying that is a very strange connection. what i am saying is these guys are research. laura bush had to turn things away because they found out bad things in their past. you have to think they didn t know these lyrics. they knew he wanted to set bush on fire and they were okay with it. all right. the more important question is how many common songs obama has on his i-pod. why is that? no, it was supposed to be a joke. how many common songs are on the i-pod he gave queen elizabeth? i want to know that too.