done. so it s odd in the situation like this when you hear don t call 9-1-1 because that s your instinct, that s your reflex, someone is going to help me always, but at times like this, for the next couple of hours, no one is going to help you. shepard: steve harrigan in naples, our friends of espn is in naples as well watching a roof blown off. i can hear you. there are more winds picking up just offshore, you will probably be getting some of the strongest activity here, 100-miles-per-hour plus winds coming in shortly and one of the updates, the surge 10 to 15 feet plus. 10 to 15 feet plus. we are asking when it would arrive, you will get the landfall of the hurricane and then the surge will just lack in
inconsistencies, if you re going to name call, which the media does like, at least back ate up with facts, don t just name call. that s not politics. that s journalism today and i think people are confusing this idea that well, people are after trump. they re after trump for a lot of reasons. does the media like donald trump? of course not. why? because he insults them all the time so the media isn t going to like him but that doesn t mean they can t report on him fairly, but you can continue to attack and continue to under mimine bu you are going to pay a price in the end. remember gary hart, he said follow me around, follow me around and see what happens. and the media followed him around. and the media is going to follow donald trump around, not like gary hart, but if they don t pay
he is an authoritarian. there are a lot of things about he and his bluff on the turn someone like me off but i think he s gaining so much momentum. i don ti don t think he will win a single primary. am going to write that down with my sharpie. let s disagree. will come back and get them. i disagree because i feel like at this point of someone else could potentially catch him if i could be someone else on the stage that was really shining i feel like wrapping romney. kennedy: i hope this is a joke. i don t have much more confidence of someone can still the microphone. marco rubio, great candidate. no matter what they do this guy is front and center. i would not mind romney jumping back in.
survivor. let s get back to the campaign history. she defeated fellow republicans in the senate primary after having this advertisement. authored by a career politician to put this into a fiscal mess in the first place fact or fiction?? it is fiction and. it she did that but it was done from a guy from odd advertisements. don t worry have credit. kennedy: number six while
a contentious start. you once said iran was not a threat, now, you say the is. you once proposed ending form aid to israel you now support it at least for the time being and you once want to cut defense spending now, you want to increase it 60%. why don t you let me explain instead talk over me. before we go through a litany of the things you changed on. why don t you ask me a question. is iran still not a threat. no, no, no, no, you edearlyearly you edearlyearlyearlyed you editorialized. why don t you ask me aquestion instead of saying my views