part of the story. she had a playstation 3 and 72 inch tv. marry this girl, you idiot. it can t be better. do what i did. marry the girl who is paying the rent. go ahead and do that. all women have dated a no good brian either for a week or for a month or whatever. not just women, greg. that s true. but then you end up realizing and that s when you marry the right person. you have to get through a brian to get to a greg. wow. there is a song in that. i am done. are you really? come to think about it, andy. andy, don t leave me. there is something to think about there. why are you alone, andy? why are you alone? you can still hear me. coming up, joyce dewitt is dead tired of being confused with dd can. i wouldn t. she is delightful. and what did steven tyler try not to like.
courage to stand an american story and joins us now. i understand you are going to make a decision shortly whether you are going to run. that s right, bill. bill: what i m interested in tonight is i don t i don t want to talk about president obama and the economy because that can change in two years. i mean and it s going to but, putting the economy aside what do you think his main vulnerability is? say you have to debate president obama, where are you going. there are big issues that will lurk beyond the moment. one is the ponzi scheme and the federal government and spending patterns and his lack of urgency and sense of seriousness about that to tackle it boldly concerns me a great deal. bill: he told me he was. you saw the interyou have a. he told me he was very serious. bill, he proposed 400 billion over 10 years in cuts. that s 40 billion a year. they year spent it by 1.5 trillion last year with trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. that s not serious. bil
a deficit for, in your opinion, for president obama. anywhere else? something else, bill. there is a sense, and i know this is gets tossed around but i think it s true. he doesn t view america s role in the world as exceptional. and this equivocation of immoral equivalence i think is going to get him in big trouble. going to get the country in big trouble. you asked him in the interview before the super bowl you asked him in the eye and asked him three times would you allow or encourage the muslim brotherhood to be the victor or lead the country of egypt? he wouldn t say no. he ducked the question. this is is an organization that is anti-semitic. they support hamas. they have supported violent acts against israel in other places. you have the president of the united states sitting in the white house saying, you know, i m kind of indifferent about that i choose not to comment. that s preposterous. bill: what do you think the motivation is for him not to condemn the muslim brotherh
i don t i don t think he viee world or principles as strongly as i might or you might. bill: surely he sees the muslim brotherhood they gun down tourists. what danger does he say when we re going to re-set relations with russia and accommodate rushing shah. now we know more accommodations that were made to get that nuclear reductions treaty. bill: do you think he is soft? do you think he doesn t understand the danger in the world. you know this. you may have learned it in a back alley playground or business, it s true. bullies and thugs respect strength. they don t respect weakness. when you say president going on the one hand on the other hand it s will the moral equivalent your system and values are as good as ours. they are not. we need somebody to stand up, particularly the president leader of our free world and country to defend that and not run around the world apologizing and saying it s the same it s not. bill: what s the headline of the book. can you learn a lot
presidential interview and here she is. you saw it live, right? i did. bill: watch the game, too. of coursement. bill: a lot of body language in the game. that s serious body language. that s powerful. bill: opened with howard dean s favorite sound bite the redistribution of income deal. go. bill: do you deny that you are a man who wants to redistribute wealth? absolutely. bill: you deny that? absolutely. bill, i didn t raise taxes once. i lowered taxes over the last two years. i lowered taxes for the last two years. bill: but the entitlement that you camp i don t know do redistribute wealth in the sense that they provide insurance coverage for 40 million people that don t have it? what is absolutely true i think in this country there is no reason why if you get sick you should go bankrupt. bill: okay. what did you learn? okay, so we know this is in the beginning of the interview but the interesting thing is by this point we would have thought there would ha