to t take care o of me. (michael) copd is harder on the folks araround you, , i th. (announcerer) the peopople u lolove are wororth quittining. (michael) copd is harder on the folks araround you, , i th. you can quitit. for r free help,p, call 1 1-800-quit-now. my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m. breyers s natural vavanilla is made e with 100% % grade a milklk and creamam. and only s sustainablyly farmrmed vanillala. better s starts withth breyer.
huh, huh, , so did ththeir dog roroger. gagain scent b beads keep e even the ststinkiest stf smelelling freshsh. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. ththey put thihis in e to d drain the f flui. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. every y day i prayayed that they y would remomov. (rosose h) smokiking causedd my lunung cancer.. my tip is bebe careful whatat you wish h for. that chestst tube hurtrt a lot t more comining out. my tip is bebe careful whatat you wish h for. ththen it did d going in.. (announcerer) you can n qui. ththen it did d going in.. for free h help, cacall 1-800-q-quit-now for free h help, my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m.
an e energy soururce that ss availablble right nonow, that s affffordable, p plentif, and enenvironmentatally friend. there is. . and it s p propan. get ththe facts atat my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m. breyers s natural vavanilla is made e with 100% % grade a milklk and creamam. and only s sustainablyly farmrmed vanillala. better s starts withth breyer. i m kareem abdul jabbar. i was didiagnosed wiwith afi. the fifirst inklining that s something w was wrong was i ststarted to n notice thatat i couldn n t do things withthout losingng my breath. i couldn t t make it through h the airporort, and d every likeke 20 or 30 0 s i had toto sit downn and geget my breatath. every y physical e exertion seemed t to exhaust t me. and finanally, i i went to ththe hospitall where i i was didiagnosed wiwith afib. when i i first nototiced sympt,
rinvoq i is not a ststeroid, wiwith rinvoq.q. topicacal, or injejection. wiwith rinvoq.q. it s one p pill, once e a. wiwith rinvoq.q. mamany taking g rinvoq saw clclear or a almost-cleaear skin mamany taking g rinvoq saw clclear whwhile some s saw up to 100% clelear skin. mamany taking g rinvoq saw clclear anand, they fefelt dramatitc and fast i itch reliefef some as s early as 2 2 days. anand, they fefelt dramatitc and fast i itch reliefef that s s rinvoq rerelief. anand, they fefelt dramatitc and fast i itch reliefef rinvoq canan lower youour abiy toto fight infnfections, anand, they fefelt dramatitc and fast i itch reliefef includuding tb. anand, they fefelt dramatitc and fast i itch reliefef serious ininfections and d blood clotots, some faf, cancers inincluding lylyma and skin c cancer, serious ininfections and d blood clotots, some faf, dedeath, heart atattack, stroroke, and tears s in the stotomach oror intestinenes occurrede. people 5 50 and oldeder witt least t one heart t dis
narrator: : the man wiwith the e troublesomome hemorrhod entersrs the room.m. phil: excucuse me? hillllary: thatat wasn t meme. narratoror: said hilillary, whs onlyly taken 34747 steps todo. hihillary: i cycled h here. narrrrator: speaeaking of cycy, mary s pereriod is d due to starart in threeee. mary: how w do they knknow so m much about t us? nanarrator: your allll sharing h health da withouout realizining it. ththat s how i i know about kevivin s rash.. whwho s next?? waitit. what s s that in y r hahand? no, , no, stop!! oh y you re no f fun. [lock k clicks shuhut] my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m. breyers s natural vavanilla is made e with 100% % grade a milklk and creamam. and only s sustainablyly farmrmed vanillala. better s starts withth breyer.