The Tamil Nadu State Animal Welfare Board, under the state Animal Husbandry Department, is helping to feed stray animals including dogs and cows in the streets this year, like it had during the lockdown in the first wave of the pandemic last .
The department of Animal husbandry has come up with a milk ATM in Pulwama town.
As part of his mobility, a well-read young man, Shabir Malik set up the first Milk ATM in Pulwama and provide 250 kgs free on the day it was inaugurated. The 200-litre capacity machine has dispensed 100 kgs a day, post-inauguration. The machine has an inbuilt Automatic Milk Control Unit that dispenses exact quantity as its Solid Non- Fat calibrator checks the fat content in milk. Though customers can pay cash there is an option of the pre-paid card too. Animal Husbandry Department has provided him with a 2000-litre Big Milk Cooler that keeps the milk at 4 degrees Celsius and extends its shelf life to three days. Under the existing scheme, the government provides a fifty per cent subsidy.
Updated Mar 03, 2021 | 17:11 IST
The population of donkeys has gown down from 10,161 in 2012 to 4,678 in 2019 in Andhra Pradesh mostly because of illegal slaughtering due to misconceptions surrounding the animal meat. Dr Dhanalakshmi, Assistant Director, Department of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh  |  Photo Credit: ANI
Amravati: The population of donkeys has seen a sharp decline in Andhra Pradesh in just seven years as per officials of the Animal Husbandry Department. The number of donkeys fell from 10,161 in 2012 to 4,678 in 2019 in the southern state.
Officials cited illegal slaughtering of the animal and misconceptions such as donkey meat curing aphrodisiac as some of the reasons behind the fall in the population of the animal.
Palike vaccinates around 15K strays against rabies
Palike vaccinates around 15K strays against rabies
ByY Maheswara ReddyY Maheswara Reddy / Updated: Feb 24, 2021, 06:00 IST
Under the Mission
app developed by the Worldwide Veterinary Service Centre,
BBMP is also tracking the
vaccinated dogs
Dog lovers in
Bengaluru have a reason to rejoice. The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has taken up an initiative to eradicate rabies in the city. Around 15,000
stray dogs were given anti-rabies vaccines in the city between September 1, 2020 and February 21, 2021. Rabies is a contagious and fatal viral disease of dogs and other mammals, transmissible through the saliva to humans and causing madness and convulsions.