The Tamil Nadu State Animal Welfare Board, under the state Animal Husbandry Department, is helping to feed stray animals including dogs and cows in the streets this year, like it had during the lockdown in the first wave of the pandemic last .
Rice mill owners seek reduction in electricity fixed charges
February 09, 2021 15:12 IST
With higher paddy yields this year, the mills will need more electricity for processing, and have asked Tangedco for a reduction in fixed costs
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With higher paddy yields this year, the mills will need more electricity for processing, and have asked Tangedco for a reduction in fixed costs
The higher paddy crop yield this year is presenting a challenge to rice mill owners in Tamil Nadu.
According to K.S. Jagadeesan, honorary president of Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners Association, the mills have been asking the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (Tangedco) permission for sanctioned demand up to 150 KW. They need more electricity as they will be processing more paddy this year. The mills had sought the additional supply at the old rate up to 112 KW, and for the additional load at HT rates.