he blames s it on me.. he blamemes it on yoyou. the reasason the mororale of t the police e department of the citity of new y york isis so low is onene reason and one e reason alolone. david dinknkins! - - they were e cheering h hi. they w were sayingng, david dinkins,s, we don t t want hi - sosome of themem were calllg ouout, [bleepep], for ininst. - this i is the nypdpd at city l ususing the n-n-word. that r really hurtrt the mayo. and then he said, would they have done this ifif i was a w white man? - - there was s just a a sense of disgust. this man w wants to bebe mayo, and lookok how he s s behavin. - bull[b[bleep]. - the e fact that t he signedn and participated in something that clearly had just overt racism attached to it wawas an indicicator ofof where he e was going.. - the e suggestionon that i i incited t them oror i had anynything to d o withth that is totalally wrong, , is fals. - whwhen januaryry 6th happep, anybybody who wawas covering or w watching popolitics i
experience, but some horrible personalities on a camel. nastiest on camels god created.t can they can they fix that? no, you know, they are typically. they really are.e. you re not not talking about that.and then but every now and then you get a sweetheart. and if you asktheart and me, thl beautiful. if you iiff yo yu draw the shorh end of the stick and you get an ugly camel, i love it for its, personality. first, sklansky realllovey sorting out one of the knottiest problems in the middle east tonight. nality we appreciate your coming on . thank you so much. thanks, dr .. e coll we tolegd you earlier about a a college wrestler who turned out to be hero when it mattered. his friend was attacked by a bear and he saved another man w in siberia. was noast quite as lucky. hewa broke his back and was kepa in a den, a bear den as leftovers for a month afterag being dragged there by aged thn brown bear. according to reports an survivt the time, the man survived. somehow we don t mean to
Poland’s influential Catholic Church has appealed for humanitarian assistance for migrants from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere who have been seeking to reach Europe by crossing from Belarus into Poland
looking at. they re focused on this judge and figuring out what he can do to lower off that sentence with this judge. we ll come back to you as news develops, when we get news from inside the courtroom, what the sentencing actually is. as we await word, it is worth underlying, again, how significant this is. this is the president s former campaign chairman. he could be heading to prison for the rest of his life. pamela brown is digging into just how historic this moment may be. astounding downfall for a man w who, three years ago this month, joined the campaign and soon ran the campaign of the man who is now president of the united states. however much the president attempts to distance himself from paul manafort now. he worked for me for a very short time. at the time trump all is sounded much different. nobody is underestimating how much paul manafort did to help this campaign to where it is