[dramatic orchestral music] [gunshots]s] - as farar back as i coululd rememberer, i alalways wanteted toto be a gangngster. - g goodfellalas is likek, f fasten yourur seatbeltst. i m gonna kick the shit out of you for 2 1/2 hours, and d you re gononna love it [glass shahatters] [laughghter] - therere have beeeen soso many gangngster movieis and soso many mob b movies. is it t really posossible that in 191990 martin n scorse will be abable to makeke a gangr movie e that has s something t y thatat hasn t alalready beenen d a millioion times? - itit s gonna b be a good s s. [laughghter] - - and you wawatch the momo, anand you re l like, yeaha - ththank you, s sir. - - all right,t, see you l la. thanks.. - - what are y you doing?? you re l leaving youour car? - he watchches the carar for . - we t tried to cacapture the exububerance of f that w. it s s dangerousus and ththreatening,g, but theyey re havingng a wondnderful timeme. - henrnry, this isis with mrmr. tony ovev
experience, but some horrible personalities on a camel. nastiest on camels god created.t can they can they fix that? no, you know, they are typically. they really are.e. you re not not talking about that.and then but every now and then you get a sweetheart. and if you asktheart and me, thl beautiful. if you iiff yo yu draw the shorh end of the stick and you get an ugly camel, i love it for its, personality. first, sklansky realllovey sorting out one of the knottiest problems in the middle east tonight. nality we appreciate your coming on . thank you so much. thanks, dr .. e coll we tolegd you earlier about a a college wrestler who turned out to be hero when it mattered. his friend was attacked by a bear and he saved another man w in siberia. was noast quite as lucky. hewa broke his back and was kepa in a den, a bear den as leftovers for a month afterag being dragged there by aged thn brown bear. according to reports an survivt the time, the man survived. somehow we don t mean to