extreme weather event into a catastrophic human rights disaster. no amount of apology could ever fix that because structural racism requires a structural response, and that requires institutional action instead of words. it seems to be a critical point that university of oklahoma president david boren missed when he spoke about how to end racism. we can stop it if all of us and the institutions and organizations we belong to and all of us as individuals say we have zero tolerance for racism in america. that s not who we are. as an american people. listen as an institution, a university is empowered to do more than just call for an unrealistic and unattainable goal of individual tolerance and zero tolerance. and as the head of ou boren is in a position not to just talk about it he can feel free to be about it. he can take get lead on issues like the recruitment and
my speculating is either the chinese shut down, the north korean internet, although that s doubtful. although china is quiet mad at north korea. the other is that north korea, on its own, shut it down. regimes, when they go through tense moments, like syria, occasionally hit shut it down. the third would be some foreign hacker. i don t think the u.s. is doing. the united states has seen north korea, special e essentially, as a canundrum and a problem and human rights disaster for decades now. it seems like every time it comes time for our government to make a strategic decision about them, there s this fundamental problem which is you can t really assume their rationality in terms of how they re acting. do you see them as basically inskrudble? as in terms of their motives and
gallup, immigration is now the biggest issue. 17%, put it on the economy, pat. yeah. government satisfaction, let me just say this, but this is again what i said earlier about leadership, what we have on this issue? both parts is rampant hypocrisy. when we see governors like o malley out of the maryland, and colorado, or we must keep the children, baz that is the democratic position, we have to play up to hispanic, but not in my state. don t put them here. then i watched ted cruz this morning say let s not bother with the crisis right now, let s go back and repeal the executive decision. i m telling you, people and the letter in this country will not stop playing politics. you want to talk about something that s a human rights disaster, the raping and killing of these children as they go through
we also need more people and more people paying more into it. but this is, in fact, part of the solution. but talking about that would underscore the fact that we are in this together. which is really at the crux of this immigration debate. another way in which you see this is the struggle over health care for immigrant. and i say this, i m a proud naturalized u.s. citizen, i m an immigrant to this country and a daughter of an immigration lawyer. this is an issue very dear to my heart. let s say you re not talking about the human rights disaster that is our current immigration state. let s say you re just talking brass tacks and you said you re talking about the money. the way that health insurance works, young, healthy, enterprising immigrants buying into a system. we need them in there. and instead they want to force them into emergency rooms. that s right. we need them in. and but we re not talking about immigrants like you. coming up later in the program, as time is running o
well, these speeches are not designed, megyn, as you well know, to offer specific pieces of policy. what he did say we will be very closely aligned with our friends like israel in the middle east and we will have a comprehensive policy that is consistent. the problem with the obama policy, particularly in the midst of the arab spring we don t really know what it stands for. you will intervene in libya under the european leadership but you won t in syria which is by far a more egregious human rights disaster. you will go against our long-time and long-standing ally in egypt in hosni mubarak but you will quickly also go support the muslim brotherhood which has been our longstanding enemy of our ally israel. so in other words we re in a situation where we need to go back to the basics and repair a lot of damage done from this president with our old allies. to go back to mr. hannah s point which i think almost as laughable as president obama saying that he is going to be the first presid