the impact of negative headlines about student loan interest rates. the amount of interest you pay on your tuition loan is decided once a year and takes effect in september. we will not know for another few months the exact figures but if you started university between 1998 and 2011, your rate from september is likely to stay at 1.5%. if you began studies before 1998, from september it could increase to 9% because it is linked to the rise in average prices as it stands in march plus a bit more. if calculated using the measure of inflation using the retail price index which increased last month. if you went to university in 2012 or after, you could pay as much as 12% in september. in real terms it means
very soggy in an outfit like that. probably encouraged by the photographer to get close. the 30 year high in inflation will have consequences for household and business budgets, it also affects the cost of train tickets and student loan interest rates. ben s here with more details. are there no protections to stop student loans increasing massively in line with inflation? this is what student groups are calling for. there are fears that students and graduates will have a headache on top of that which is higher interest rates. university life and finding a job, that can be stressful, but the cost of studying can put some people off completely. which is why there is a worry about