it be? billionaire if investor bill ackman tweeted last night, sillen con valley bank customers will get around 50% monday/tuesday, and the balance realized over the next 3-6 months. if this proves true, i d expect bank runs monday morning. no company will take even a tiny chance of losing a dollar of deposits as there s no reward for this risk. after the systemwide fdic system deposit guarantee, more bank runs begin monday a.m. a whole lot of officials including treasury secretary janet yellen are trying to calm fear today. she points out it s highly unlikely, take a listen. the american banking system is really safe and well capitalized. it s resilient. we want to make sure that the troubles that that exist at one bank don t create contagion to others that are sound. svb s one of the top 20 commercial banks in the country with over $200 billion in assets. current customers include shopify, etsy, fitbit, roku and ziprecruiter. here s house speaker ken mccarthy on sunday
about because the enemy in the narrative of the movie is self-doubt, forgiveness, redemption. those are the themes of the movie. st it s a very human movie. and i m sorry if it offends you that you have to learn the people that serve in our military go through human emotion, and sometimes it s exacerbated by things like unnecessary death. but that s what this movie is about, and that s why it did so well. so movies that are also nominated, triangle of sadness which, apparently, tells you how bad people are. elvis, women talking which literally talks about how horrible men are. so if you want to talk about insidious, there are some themes there you could pick up on. yeah. when it comes to selfless service, give me a break and take the horse crap somewhere else. kennedy, i was fascinated that the author of this piece, he saw this patriotic action flick as insidious. but as joey alluded, to women talking concern which is nominated for a best picture oscar tonight it s about a
school movie making. he never lost the 12-year-old geeky fan boy within himself. and i think that is why audiences can relate to his work so much. what you are seeing is the lot of directors using established genres to do something that is actually very id owe sin cattic. alfonso cueron is able to make movies like that. like gravity. spectacular. has to be seen on the big screen. but is a very intimate human movie. i know. we re all going to die. everybody knows that. but i m going to die today. funny that, you know, to know. but the thing is i m still scared. i m really scared. he is a fascinating director
guillermo del toro is an prior toer of the old-school movie-maker. he never lost the 12-year-old geeky fan boy within himself and i think that s why audiences can relate to his work so much. what you re seeing is the directors using established genres to do something that s actually very idiosyncratic and that you can make an intimate movie which is also a spectacle movie. alphonso caron is great doing that. he can make a movie on one hand like gravity which is incredibly spectacular, that has to be seen on the big screen, but in reality it s a very intimate human movie. i know. we re all going to die. everybody knows that. but i m going to die today. funny that you don t have to know.