On January 9, 1789, the Connecticut Gazette’s lead story was an account by a sailor on a British ship describing what he witnessed on a slaving voyage between Africa and the West Indies sugar planta.
is in charge in russia? we ve been trying for 20 years. i would like to shorten this period. in 2008, we were promised that we would become. it s 13 years already. that s the best guarantee we can have but, unfortunately, we can, you know, beg, we can scratch on the door of nato, feel the humiliation to ask each and every second, begging them, but unfortunately, we still haven t the answer from them. there is no consensus among nations of nato sitting around the table. some of these nations were in the same bloc, soviet led bloc, but some of them forgot how terrible it was. but some of them, like baltic states, poland, our neighbours, they do remember it on the level of human memory, and they support us each and every time. canada, united states, the uk, some nations are supporting. some of them, unfortunately not. so just be clear, then, you would rather go to war than to say that ukraine would not be members.? we will not go to war. we are not going to war. we are trying everything w
Human Memory
Welcome! This repository contains course materials for the Dartmouth undergraduate course Human Memory (PSYC 51.09). The syllabus may be found here. Feel free to follow along with the course materials (whether you are officially enrolled in the course or just visiting!), submit comments and suggestions, etc. If you are a course instructor, you may feel free to use these materials in your own courses (attribution is appreciated).
This course, and many of the course materials, were inspired by (and in some cases copied from!), similar content by Michael Kahana, Sean Polyn, and Per Sederberg. These materials have also been heavilty influenced by feedback from students who enrolled in prior offerings of this course.