a judge will expect small changes or inconsistencies, because of the fallibility of human memory. once you create a track record of inconsistencies that s when it starts to become problematic. we are watching live in the courtroom now as pistorius up, he may be approaching the stand, soon. what you are seeing there is from yesterday. what should we expect when heap sits on the stand today and the prosecutor continues? well we certainly expect more of what we saw yesterday. i think throughout cross-examination, the prosecutor will be flipping between his strategies of on the one hand bursts of aggression and pistorius and then following that up with detailed searing cross-examination comparing and contrasting his different version of events. trying to expose more and more inconsistencies. and we expect him to carry on.
what he has been testifying this week as it relates to the fans orphan on the balcony went outside to bring it in or not. what s key about that? we don t know if that is key evidence or not. we know what he is trying to do. the beginning of a very important strategy of trying to place on the record a track record of inconsistencies between his various versions of events. at different stages in the criminal process. the implication of doing that is that if it can be shown that an accused person has essentially a track record of lying, then the only reasonable inference that a judge can draw from that is that, they must be guilty and covering up for themselves. having said that, one inconsistency or two, is not enough to achieve that strategy. the human memory is never faultless completely.
one of the statements versus another statement or versus his testimony in court. now, in isolation, the judge will permit some variance over time, because that accounts for the fact that human memory is never perfect. when it becomes problematic is if the state for pistorius, that is is if the state manages to establish a track record of inconsistency that then will lead the judge to infer that he is, in fact, lying, rather than simply adding additional detail to already the story that he had put forward. really fascinating stuff. now i know you need to get back to watching this unfold. thank you so much, kelly phelps, for talking to us this morning from pretoria. 47 minutes after the hour right now. happening right now, an ultimatum from ukraine. 48 hours, they say to pro-russian protesters, threatening force if these protesters don t stand down. could this lead to conflict? could this lead to russian troops becoming involved? we re live next.
examining a professional. a lot of these medical examiners are very brief and to the point and they re not very revealing. bao is testifying like he just fell off a turnip truck. he s talking about let me refer to my notes on human memory. he s got a article in front about the human memory and heaven only knows what s in his handwritten notes which might include something we call brady material. if there s material in those written notes that in some way help the defense exonerate zi r zimmerman there s going to be a major uproar. it sounds like a lot of notes, it s a big development. did you see the smile on mark o ma o mara s face. they re astoundsed by this.
at the beginning. my name is eric candell. i m interested in the mechanisms of memory storage. rather than studying the most complex memory we had to take the simple form in a simple animal. human memory is more complicated than memory of the snail, but than memory of the snail, but evolution is conservative.