one of the statements versus another statement or versus his testimony in court. now, in isolation, the judge will permit some variance over time, because that accounts for the fact that human memory is never perfect. when it becomes problematic is if the state for pistorius, that is is if the state manages to establish a track record of inconsistency that then will lead the judge to infer that he is, in fact, lying, rather than simply adding additional detail to already the story that he had put forward. really fascinating stuff. now i know you need to get back to watching this unfold. thank you so much, kelly phelps, for talking to us this morning from pretoria. 47 minutes after the hour right now. happening right now, an ultimatum from ukraine. 48 hours, they say to pro-russian protesters, threatening force if these protesters don t stand down. could this lead to conflict? could this lead to russian troops becoming involved? we re live next.