[indistinct chatter] - - hey, here e s a man whwho ls lilike he has s something g to . - arare we all s set, ronnie? - wewell, i bet!t! ohoh! - - hey, carefeful. - lookoks like he e s got flubur shoes s on, too, t today. [laughter]r] - a a wonderful l anonymous s dr mailed a a mono a m monopoly game p piece, and righght here in the m middle of i it was a littttle winningng tickt of $1 mimillion. - - whoa! - hey, w wow! [cheers s and applauause] [d[dramatic mumusic] - somemebody won a $1 m million mononopoly ge at mcdonalald s, and god blbless him, decided d to send ththat moy to thehe children n of st. j. - well, ththis is a grgreat . uh, we a and mcdonalald s he a gameme going, which, uh,h, a person n won a game pieiece in in texexas and maiailedt to st. j jude s anononymousy and, u uh, mcdonalald s worket a way to p pay the gamame pie even thougugh it couldld rey can t t be transfeferred. - - it s just t a wonderfufl chchristmas ststory that someoeone would g give that way
-as a former fbi agent and chairmrman of the e house inintelligencece committeee, i i had oversisight of allll6 of our n nation s inintelligee agencicies. my namame is mike e rogers. i had acaccess toto classifieied informatatn gathered b by our opereratives- people w who risked d everythg fofor the unitited statess and ouour familieses. yoyou don t knknow their f fs or t their nameses. yoyou don t knknow the reaeal ss from thehe people who lived d the fear and the e pressure - until . -therere s not a f fear as i in petrifieied. it s m more like m make sure u do e everything g you need t t. and d don t haveve any mistats oror failures s be becauseseu dididn t take e that extrara s. you u weren t wiwilling to pt in t the time. fefear of faililure isis motivatining for me.. ifif you faill in a c counterintetelligence a, it can h have nanational impmplications.. failurure at that t level. cacan mean losost lives. it s s a very imimportant vave toto me keeeeping peoplple , k