PDP chief and ex-CM Mehbooba Mufti on Tuesday alleged the administration had given verbal orders to its officials to register non-local labourers and defence personnel as voters. In a tweet, she stated that the Baramulla Tehsildar passed such orders verbally at a meeting on Monday. “The admini
Former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti on Tuesday said Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha's administration has given verbal orders to its officials to register non-local labourers and defence personnel as voters.
Kashmiri political parties are concerned that the inclusion of 2.5 million new voters in the Muslim-majority region will permanently disenfranchise Kashmiris.
CEO discusses arrangements with all 20 DCs Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls likely after Aug 15 Sanjeev Pargal JAMMU, June 5: Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar has conducted first meeting with Election officials of Jammu and Kashmir to review post-Delimitation Commission preparations for conduct of Assembly elections in the Union Territory. In the aftermath of the meeting, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Hridesh Kumar held Online meeting with all 20 Deputy Commissioners, who also happen to be District Electoral Officers […]