already ban funding for abortion? why do we need the no taxpayer funding for abortion act? well, because this bill actually goes way further. this says that a person whose employer provides health care but that health insurance policy covers abortions, man or woman, then that employer can t get a tax break. if an individual who buys a policy that provides for abortion cannot get any kind of health care tax deduction if that policy were to cover abortion. so, now it goes into private money and private insurance policies and things that people do on their own. it s it is much further than the hyatt amendment. so this is restricting private health insurance
americans believe that women should be able to make choices. do they always agree there shouldn t be some rules of the road? but roe versus wade provides rules of the road around abortion. the hyatt amendment says direct federal funding isn t going to go to abortions. i think that s a discrimination against poor women. i don t support the hyatt amendment but that is the law right now. this goes way beyond. what do you think explains the distance between the reporting about the priorities of this republican congress that say that they re really abandoning culture war issues, they re letting social conservative issues down, that part of their basis down because they re so focused on economic issues, that seems to be the beltway line for what mainstream republicans are doing. hr-1, new rules, which they violate with hr-12, and hr-3 is abortion.
what people think is most important. in fact, we have a pro-choice country right now. the congress is way out of step. this is not a priority for americans. americans believe that women should be able to make choices. do they always agree there shouldn t be some rules of the road? but roe versus wade provides rules of the road around abortion. the hyatt amendment says direct federal funding isn t going to go to abortions. i think that s a discrimination against poor women. i don t support the hyatt amendment but that is the law right now. this goes way beyond. what do you think explains the distance between the reporting about the priorities of this republican congress that say that they re really abandoning culture war issues, they re letting social conservative issues down, that part of their basis down because they re so focused on economic issues, that seems to be the
beltway line for what mainstream republicans are doing. hr-1, new rules, which dhe vie ate late with hr-12, and hr-3 is abortion. it seems like they re front paging both symbolic issues, the opposite of fiscally responsible action and culture war issues in their agenda in the house. i don t understand the difference between that and how they re being described. well, i think the american people are beginning to have serious buyers remorse. we re seeing that the president s numbers are going are going up and the republicans, i don t think, have really had a good day since the election day, which was a very good day for them. but since then, i think the honeymoon is over. this is a party that has clearly looked now in the rearview mirror, reversing health care. they wanted to reverse the wall street reforms. they want to cut the budget back to for social programs that
jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. the americans are people are saying jobs, j-o-b-s, jobs. funny thing happened on the way to what they re calling job one. they spent last week flexing their new majority on a symbolic repeal of health reform which they called job killing, even though it s no such thing and it, in fact, cuts the deficit which republicans themselves say is how you make more jobs. at least some the time. then republicans turn their attention immediately from that time waster to american women, specifically to american women s uteruses. with not one but two bills designed to make sure the government doesn t do something it doesn t already do, and that s to not spend money on abortion. you may remember last year when president obama signed an executive order saying there would still be no federal funding for abortions. it was part of deal that made it so health reform could go through. republicans who say they want to streamline government and create certainty and focus on jobs, repu