realizing now that children his own age were murdered inside their classroom, inside their school, he s trying to process it all. and he saw my own anxiety this morning and i felt guilty for even causing a little bit of his own. and he actually said to me, don t worry, mommy. i will be home tonight. he said, i make a promise to myself every day that i will make it home at night. now, these should not be the promises any child has to make. not in a nation where our promises to keep them safe have not been kept. i remember when mr. rogers was trying to comfort kids like me by telling them when you see scary things, look for the helpers. look for the helpers. okay, well, as far as we know, the helpers stood in the hallway. the helpers heard shots even after they believed it was a barricade and not an active shooter, and when the helpers aren t being tight hp lipped, they re offering changing narratives but i m still going to look to these helpers. but this time it will be for an
shooter, and when the helpers aren t being tight hp lipped, they re offering changing narratives but i m still going to look to these helpers. but this time it will be for answers because we have questions that do need to be answered. there are parents who buried their children today. in fact, the first full funerals are now being held one by one, one week after that attack that has shaken this texas city to its entire core, and much of the nation along with it. and the deep anguish we re all feeling, it s not abating. and neither is the pressure for the answers. and you know what. i m going to spend much of this hour helping to apply that pressure. asking those questions that we just don t have answers to yet. because that s what the families of these 19 children and 2 teachers deserve. that s what the survivors deserve. so why can t they get these