Sanders, who came in second in Rhode Island s March 2020 Democratic presidential primary, received 204 write-in votes in the November 2020
general election
Back in March, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union took a fine position on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Its Coast Committee called the attack “an act of aggression that endangers a population of more than 40 million people.” In a press release, the union stated that “Effective immediately, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, with some 20,000 workers strong in 29 ports up and down the United States West Coast, will refuse to load or unload any Russian vessels or Russian cargo coming into or going out of all West Coast ports from Bellingham, Washington, to San Diego, California.”
Howard Hawkins represents financial institutions in securities, financial, and bankruptcy litigations arising out of proprietary trading, lending, underwriting, broker dealer and advisory services