Make sure you keep your hair and scalp moisturised with the right haircare practices and ingredients. Here are four natural treatments you can try to keep your hair hydrated and soft even in winter.
Updated Jan 08, 2021 | 07:15 IST
To reduce dandruff, you need to use the right hair care products meant for the job. You must make sure you don t have a dry scalp to avoid dandruff. Winter dandruff: Here is how to prevent, treat dandruff during the cold weather | Photo Credits: Pixabay  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
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Excessive dandruff leads to hair fall
Here is how you can control dandruff this winter season
New Delhi: Dandruff is one of the main reasons for hair loss. It is maximum during the winters, owing to the cold weather and hot showers. Dandruff damages your hair from the roots and makes it weak which leads to split ends and hair fall. Winters are here and so is dandruff. Everyone loves beautiful and healthy-looking hair. Dandruff makes your hair look dry and dull. To treat dandruff, it is very important that you use the right hair care products. You might also need to change your lifestyle to a great extent that inc