Two Maine nonprofits are receiving Housing Preservation Grants. Bangor-based Penquis and Western Maine Community Action in East Wilton each secured a grant of $84,829. The organizations plan to use the funds to provide home repairs for eligible low- and very low-income residents in Franklin, Knox, Penobscot, and Piscataquis counties, according to a news release from […]
Three Housing Preservation Grants totaling $257,000 were awarded to five counties in New Jersey to help repair or rehab housing in rural, low-income communities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Friday.
After a week of intense weather across Maine, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Maine State Director Rhiannon Hampson shared good news for many rural Maine residents. On Dec. 11, 2023, she announced that USDA is awarding two.