CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor said Sabah is ready to receive visitors and that the reopening of the country’s borders on April 1 will facilitate the State’s economic recovery which was affected since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020
The reopening of the country’s borders on April 1 will facilitate Sabah’s economic recovery which has been affected since the outbreak of Covid-19, said Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor
KOTA KINABALU, March 8 The Sabah Covid-19 Disaster Management Committee will be waiting for the announcement of more detailed standard operating procedures (SOP) before making any proposals on opening the country’s borders by the federal government. State Local Government and Housing Minister.
The Sabah Government on Tuesday advised parents and guardians with children aged five to 11 in the State to register their children for vaccination under the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme for Children (PICKids)
KOTA KINABALU, Feb 11 ― Two more new clusters were recorded in Sabah today, an education cluster and a community cluster, Sabah Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said. He said the education cluster, Pangkalan Abai cluster in Kota Belud involved an 18-year-old female.