With enforcing the laws and the courts with interpreting them. This forwards against the abuse of power by any one branch. The separation of pow sers at the core of the fundamental premisele of our constitutional design that a limited government, divided in three branches, exercises enumerated powers is necessary to protect individual liberty and the rule of law. Unfortunately, over the last several decades, congress has aloud its powers to gradually be chipped away at by the other branches. By allowing its powers to be diminished, congress, especially this house, effectively permitting the people to be deprived of their most responsive voice in the federal government. Through the legislation before us today, and other legislation that the house has actively pursued in recent years, we can begin to reestablish and enforce the limits on the authority of the other two branches. Although no package of bills by itself can rebuild congress institutional strength and restore the constitution
Coming up, a house hearing on all t auto safety and a recent recall of cars. And then a hearing on domestic terrorism. The house senate and subcommittee held a hearing on whether auto recall regulations should be overhauled. This is two and a half hours. The committee will come to order. Good morning. I want to welcome everyone to our hearing today on examining ways to improve vehicle and roadway safety. I will recognize myself for five minutes for the purpose of an Opening Statement. Certainly lives depend on the safety of cars, safety of trucks and on the roads themselves of the united states. And on the whole, the data is good around the decrease in fatalities against mines driven, b miles driven will you the hearings have underlined the severity of problems that do exist and there is no reason for going slow when it comes to safety and deception cannot and will not be tolerated. It is incumbent upon us, the national Highway Safety committee and others to be in complianc compliance.
Sympathetic to what senator rand said. In this speech, which was part of his filibuster, he also cites my book and the argument is our liberty should be presumed to be valid and government should only restrict it if they have a good reason and if they have reason, they should be able to show proof and facts, which they were unable to do with the bake shops. This is the fourth in a series of 12. What weve done if you want to learn more about these cases, if youre learning like we are and youre not a law, we have a book available for you that were selling at cost. It is written by tony morrow, 12 cases we selected for the series. If you go to cspan. Org landmark cases, you can find out how to order it and we have people ready to ship it out as soon as possible so you can follow our series. Let me say thank to you our guests for helping us understand lochner versus new york. It was a pleasure. Our landmark series cases continue next monday. Our landmark case is scheneck versus united stat
My remarks are aimed at a broader broadly creating the next generation. Cementing democratic majority for the next generation. I dont think the republicans can do that unless they abandon their belief to let the private sector do more. Back row. Thank you. Cnn. How much will be aimed at winning in 2016 . I know you endorsed secretary clinton, but is she the right person for this . We will have to play it by ear. There are dynamics within his party and caucus. They know tom donahue said if republicans dont have a good immigration bill, he is as hardcore republican as they have. What happens . For us, we have to see. We arent going to hold back in doing what we have to do as outlined in this speech. I will try to convince my colleagues, but it doesnt mean it certain things, along our way i dont believe we are the progovernment party. Obstruction doesnt serve us as well as it serves them. To them, it is a selffulfilling prophecy. Government cannot work. After pingpong game, people get tir
Is that enough . [laughter] a lot shorter than your answer, i know. Nuanced. [laughter] but i think equally powerful. Thank you, josh. Yes. [laughter] former chief of staff, i appreciate you saying that. [laughter] president bush, im going to pass the last question to you. Okay. And im going to ask you, what advice do you have for president clinton on the Leadership Qualities necessary to be a good granddad. Be prepared to fall completely in love again. Youre not going to believe it. Youre just not going to believe the joy and the fun, and im looking forward to talking to you after that child is born, and we all hope the very best for chelsea and that the Childs Health be strong like im confident it will be. Anyway, its going to be an awesome period for you, and get ready to be the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. [laughter] [applause] gentlemen, this has been a great conversation, which i think has amply demonstrated you all are coming together in support of a great