Everybody at nasa basics. Let me introduce the panel and i will each one of them take some words. Steve is the director for the program here at counter arid and joel, the nasa manager of the space Center Program at houston. The deputy manager of Flight Operations director at johnson. The joining us is benji, senior director of human spaceflight programs at spacex. Nasa kurt costello, the program chief scientist and last but not least is arlena moses, the launch whether officer for our 45th weather squadron. I dont everybody is looking forward to hearing from them as well. I will turn it over to steve and let them take it from there. Thank you. Is great to be here following the launch readiness today. Since we talked on tuesday, we have put the falcon nine through a static fire, an important test for us to check out the rocket and make sure all of the systems are functioning as expected. We removed all of that over the last few days and the rocket is really good. Its important to do som
Session next week. Senators have been working on judicial nominations. Also curt costello, the nasa chief scientist at Johnson Space center and the last but not least is arlena the launch weather officer for the u. S. Air force squadron. Her i know everybody is looking forward to hear from her as well. Turn it over to steve and let him take it from there. Great k you, kyle, its to be here following the launch review today. Its been a busy few days. On tuesday. Vehicle e falcon 9 through a static fire. Engines ure that the and the systems were functioning as expected. We reviewed all of that data and the last few days rocket looks really good. It was important for us to also o some inspections after that static fire. We swapped out a couple of engines on this vehicle and did inspections and everything looked really good. Dry dress practice with the crew. They got in their space suits went to the launch pad and installed in the vehicle. The first time we put four dragon, that was an impo
Authorizing highway, bridge, aviation, and waterway projects. Members are working on 170 amendments. They plan to complete work on those amendments around midday today. That will be followed by a vote on final passage of the package. Live coverage now here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Loving god, thank you for giving day. Other we ask your continued protection empowerment of those who tend to the sick and those who medical solutions to this dangerous pandemic. The work of the house these last few days to votes. Wo upport for the department of agriculture. During these times Food Production and delivery and the many e been among challenges facing our nation. Whatever the particulars of this may it proceed through the legislative process ultimately help the benefit of all americans. We ask, also, your continued protection and empowerment of hose who live heroic lives d
Infrastructure bill today. Voting procedures will be in effect. Live coverage here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of us all, thank you for giving us another day. Coronavirus diagnoses and deaths continue to mount throughout our nation. Please bless with healing and comfort those whose lives have been so severely disrupted. Continue to protect and empower those who tend to the sick and those who seek medical solutions to this dangerous pandemic. Unfortunately, there are many other issues pressing upon us. Bless the members of the peoples house whose responsibilities press them to address such seemingly overpowering challenges. Help them and help us all to trust that you have
Transportation and infrastructure. Transportation industry representatives testify about their role about shipping personal protective equipment and other essential goods during the pandemic. Today we will hear from these speakers. Thank you all for being here. One of our participants is testifying remotely. Welcome to each and every one of you. We have conducted a series of hearings on covid19. We are hearing those discussions. We are continuing that by hearing about the Transportation Industry. Theave underscored importance of our Transportation Network and moving goods and people safely and efficiently as well as ensuring supply chain fluidity in response to the unexpected events. Manye grateful for the frontline workers who have shown resilience and resourcefulness to help deliver Critical Care supplies to those in need. The transportation sector has countless numbers of these unsung heroes. Introduced a Critical Infrastructure employee protection act. For arcde support frontline C