The All India Bar Association (AIBA) on Sunday said the House Secretariat has shown undue haste and committed an error while taking a decision on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from Lok Sabha.
Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi has lost his Lok Sabha seat after being convicted of criminal defamation by a Surat court. What happens now and what are the best- and worst-case scenarios for him?
Plans campaign around this April 6-14; apart from blunting Cong attack, BJP hopes to deter Opp from rallying behind Rahul over his disqualification as Lok Sabha MP
The opposition camp plans to lodge another petition against suspended Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob with the Constitutional Court, asking the court to revoke his rights to contest in elections.
The opposition camp plans to lodge another petition against suspended Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob with the Constitutional Court, asking that it revoke his right to contest the coming election.