spirit is chris matthews s new book. historic day today. i feel like history kind of hits you hard on a day like today. it s really hard to get away from. today is the anniversary of the day that cap weinberger was inieted. today is the anniversary of the day the house judiciary committee first voted to start impeachment proceedings against nixon. and this stuff comes around and you can never the bigger the news day the further the harder it is to get away from history. if i were trump i d remember one thing about watergate and i d keep it in my head. it wasn t a political argument. it wasn t what jimmy breslin said, the guys who couldn t shoot straight or the guys that finally won. it was about fact. and in the end the courts produced the 23rd june tape about nixon covering up. and all the the talk nixon said i didn t do tr, i didn t do it, was countered by the fact. and what trump has to deal with is his first facts was there was no russian effort to influence our election.
i understand, it sounded a little hokey at the time. but my god, it was his way of saying, you know what, i ve been a victim, too. my family has been a victim. and i think when you see the train pictures on the book of the white families saluting him and the families singing the battle hymn of the republic what leader today has the moral authority to bring both communities together saying maybe you don t hang out with each other but you can have the same goals as a country and a patriotic spirit about it? what i wanted to do writing this book before i knew i was writing it to say trump isn t the american reality, there is a spirit to this country about hope and getting together and empathy for people in trouble. that survive it is 60s. he is the spirit of it, bobby. bobby kennedy, a raging spirit with chris matthews new book. historic day today. i feel like history kind of hits you hard on a day like today. today s the anniversary of the day that cap wineberger was indicted. the ho