Travellers and the travel industry are now under intense scrutiny to consider sustainable practices at every turn, but how do we know that the claims travel operators make, are true?
Nelly O. Gedeon, serial entrepreneur and founder of Wayaj is pleased to introduce her newest venture IMPPACT (Imperative Metamorphosis to Preserve our Planet and Communities for Tomorrow). IMPPACT is a proprietary software comprising a one-of-a-kind Carbon Footprint Calculating Engine (CFC Engine™) and Sustainable Actions module that the public can utilize to enable positive-impact travel worldwide, making it easy to assess the CO2 generated from business or leisure travels and neutralize its impact through offsetting, while supporting Sustainable Actions (SAs) which are aligned with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Travel startup Wayaj has launched a new hotel booking engine called that lets travelers book sustainable hotels and calculate and offset their carbon emissions at checkout.
Wayaj, a tech startup providing earth-friendly travel solutions is pleased to announce the launch of, the only sustainable booking platform that allows travelers to book their hotel while calculating and offsetting their trip’s carbon footprint instantly. Now that travelers can take flight again, Alight delivers the resources, tools, and expertise to empower travelers to make more informed choices to travel sustainably. Using a ground-breaking Carbon Footprint Calculating Engine (CFC Engine), and proprietary Hotel Sustainability Ratings (HSR) tool, Alight aims to inspire ethical wanderlust and support travelers on their sustainability journey.