By saying aye. Thank you, commissioners. There is no Public Comment request for that item. And if anyone does have Public Comment request, i am the person to see. Hand me the forms. Item 3 is the directors report. Good afternoon, commissioners. Grant colfax, director of health. You have your directors report in front of you. I wanted to highlight a few issue, and i think the major issue that i wanted to highlight today was, as you know, we have had major patient care incidents at laguna honda hospital, and june 18 i was joined by my yor breed and the president of the board of supervisors yee to report directly to the public and to the community about patient abuses about patient abuse issues involving 23 laguna honda residents. This misconduct does not represent who we are as the Health Department and as the San Francisco Health Network, and it will not be tolerated. Laguna honda has had a positive effect on the live of generation of san franciscans and continues to be a good place for
They do not anticipate labor force changes. The nurse wills continue to be employed by the hospital if they are general surgery trained. The current surgeon wills continue to practice at other area hospitals. The an thesology Group Service wills continue to be provided for other surgical procedures st. Marys. And golden gate profusion wont be providing the services at st. Marys anymore, but they have contracts with other area hospitals as well. So in conclusion, despite st. Marys low surgical volume and a general trend in having min cally invasive technology, San Francisco has a growing older Adult Population and Cardiovascular Services will be increasingly more important. And, accumulation with the residual impacts like i said before of the closure and that the complexity of patients able to be seen by the remaining cardiologists at st. Marys may be impacted. And then finally, there will be an average of, as we said, at least 35 Cardiovascular Surgery patients annually who will no lon
Do we have a second . A second. An all those in favor signify by saying aye. Thank you, commissioners. There is no Public Comment request for that item. And if anyone does have Public Comment request, i am the person to see. Hand me the forms. Item 3 is the directors report. Good afternoon, commissioners. Grant colfax, director of health. You have your directors report in front of you. I wanted to highlight a few issue, and i think the major issue that i wanted to highlight today was, as you know, we have had major patient care incidents at laguna honda hospital, and june 18 i was joined by my yor breed and the president of the board of supervisors yee to report directly to the public and to the community about patient abuses about patient abuse issues involving 23 laguna honda residents. This misconduct does not represent who we are as the Health Department and as the San Francisco Health Network, and it will not be tolerated. Laguna honda has had a positive effect on the live of gene
I left mine in the car. Thanks. Madam chair. We are ready to begin. Okay i like it. Are we still planning. Okay okay. Good morning and welcome to the august 18th, 2023, regular meeting of the San Francisco Ethics Commission. Todays meeting is being live cable cast on of gov tv and streamed live online at esp gov tv. Org ethics live for Public Comment. Members of the public may attend in person or may participate by phone or the web platform as explained in our agenda document. Mr. Clerk, can you please explain how the remote Public Comment will be handled today . Thank you, madam chair. Public comment will be available on each item on this agenda. Each member of the public will be allowed three minutes to speak. For those attending in person, opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period will be made available here in room 400 city hall. For those attending remotely Public Comment period can also be provided via phone call by calling. 14156550001. Again, the phone number. Is
Half of the almost 3,000 polish mercenaries have been eliminated, so. This war is much more difficult than in iraq and afghanistan. After youve been on the front line in ukraine, iraq and afghanistan seem incredibly simple. This is a war i dont i thought i would try it. Mont publication cites the words of the french president , spoken late in the evening of february 21 with a glass of whiskey in his hands. I ll have to send it to the guy next year anyway. To odessa the head of state frankly stated in front of a handful of guests. According to the publications sources , the events described took place 5 days before the conference in paris, after which macron announced that sending troops was no longer ruled out. It is no secret that military experts from nato countries are working in ukraine. This once again confirmed the published conversation generals of the bundeswehr, but still the introduction of regular troops is a completely different level of escalation. These are interventionis