Dr. Horacio Arruda defended himself of against suggestions he hid anything by withdrawing an appendix reporting a much higher incidence of lung cancer in Rouyn-Noranda than elsewhere in Quebec and invoking the arsenic emitted by the Horne Smelter as an aggravating factor.
The ruling party of Quebec, the CAQ, hasn t updated the English version of its website since Jan. 13, even in the midst of election season. They haven t forgotten, the CAQ said it s just too expensive.
CAQ has not updated their website in English for the upcoming election because it’s ‘too expensive’ to hire English translators, resulting in missing information and outdated content.
The ruling party of Quebec, the CAQ, hasn t updated the English version of its website since Jan. 13, even in the midst of election season. They haven t forgotten, the CAQ said it s just too expensive.