With mandatory masks – Quebec’s last pandemic measure – about to fall, it’s a good time to look back at some dark, bright, jarring, strange and surreal COVID-19 episodes the province lived through.
Quebec's premier has been mostly absent from the province's regular COVID-19 news conferences. Political scientists say that's because an election is looming.
Quebec s current public health chief came under fire on Thursday for a controversial decision made by his predecessor, allowing nickel emissions near some Quebec City neighbourhoods to grow fivefold overnight.
COVID-19 infections are soaring and hospitalizations are rising in many parts of Canada, but with most regions sticking with relaxed protective measures while providing less data and fewer updates, some medical experts are critical of how the sixth wave of the pandemic is being managed.
Amid opposition calls for their resignations, Quebec's minister for seniors and the former health minister plan to leave politics at the end their party's first mandate, sources tell Radio-Canada.