somewhere near 150 miles. so i have been told. bill: now, jops society japanese society very disciplined society. we haven t heard about looting that you hear about in other societies when disasters happen. they believe in order and discipline and obeying authorities. is that holding? i think so. i have not heard of any looting happening. that would be almost unthinkable from my perspective here in japan. yes, people are very well behaved when it comes to situations like this. and everybody is most helpful, i have found. bill: last question. when you go out into the streets of tokyo, what is the prevailing mood now? you said life goes on but surely people are have pulled back? oh, yeah. can you see it you can see
it s a video game. i can be famous. i can be famous. i can have fortune. nothing matters anymore bill: you are using the cupcakes to illustrate a point about the american dollar. yes. bill: let s roll the tape. i speak the language of food and cupcakes. before world world war ii, every had their own cupcakes. the british had their own cupcakes. gold. and we started eating all of the cupcakes. we started spending. that s as close as can i get to a cupcake. let me suck my finger for a second. bill: now, i m a little slow. the major point beside you liking cupcakes was i think that was it. what people don t understand is that as we devalue our dollar. we took the cupcakes from england and we will say we will hold them for you and we gave them certificates otherwise
equally imakd when they haven t had any impact on this country from this in decades. i don t think so that s true. i think the kkk bill: you think the kkk has any influence in this country right now? let me tell you and your audience that january 17th, the last act of attempted terror in the united states, that was a neo nazi, that guy in spokane, washington, who planted a weapon of mass destruction on the route of the martin luther king day parade march. and that was terrorism. this was a neo nazi and why wouldn t a hearing on domestic terror include a heinous act like that? bill: was he associated with a group? yeah. he was a neo nazi, i forget which of the bill: according to the spokane police, he was a lone crazy nut. that s not true. he is definitely a neo nazi. national alliance. bill: the national alliance. look, i m not opposed to having hearings about these people but to raise.
a point. i understand his point. his larger point which i totally endorse is that it is unfair as you mention in your lead-in to single out this one group. bill: i didn t say it was unfair. i said some people, like you, crazy left wingers, think it is. can i tell it s not 126. that s eric holder s number of the people prosecuted for terrorism. your audience has to know of the 126, we are talking about 50 american citizens. the vast majority of the 50 american citizens are like the knuckle heads from newberg entrapped into doing terror with co-conspirators who are really fbi agents leading them down the prim rose path. bill: if you look at the totality of the problem, in the world, not the united states, it s muslim-jihad generated. congressman green has the nerve to foist that the kkk should be