bob zwicks he is from ohio. he has been in japan for many, many years. i m going to call you bob if you don t mind. hi, bill. bill: how is the japaneseed me were handling this disaster. can they bring any perspective to it? well, i think they are doing the best that they can. they have had nonstop coverage since the quake hit. we have been seeing reporters from the studios and from out in the field and, of course, when they report from the studios, quite often we see them wearing safety helmets right there in the studio on screen. and i think they are doing a great job. actually, there are just like nonstop there is nonstop footage of new film that s being either sent in by professionals or by amateurs, people who are out and about, carrying video cameras or iphones recording the devastation. bill: okay. now, the japanese people
bill: president obama holds press conference today. oil prices popularity is down 10 points in a month. here is what he says, go. our oil production reached its highest level in seven years. oil production from federal watters in the gulf of mexico reached an all-time high. for the first time in more than a decade, imports accounted for less than half of what we consumed. bill: i didn t know that. well, it s interesting in this little statistical war that is going on now between republicans and the white house. the fact is that just about half of the rigs in the gulf have been taken out of service because of what has been a passive aggressive ban. it s also interesting that this president did not recommend a single policy advance here today at that news conference. and he chose to talk about energy on the second day of declines in crude oil prices since the run-up began. bill: all right. but he if he is what he says
conservative emailing me. they are much more sympathetic to me interrupting a liberal democrat than they are a conservative republican. bill: who do you have coming up on fox news sunday. we will be interrupting senator michigan mcconnell about the budget and libya. bill: big glenn beck segment tonight. we put together some of his best comments from the last few months. i think you will like it. next, geraldo on the hysteria that continues to surround the house hearings on muslim extremism in america. why hope
themselves, can you get any sense because a country far different than the united states. it s almost a fatalistic country. they have been through unbelievable occurrences throughout their history. how are they reacting to this generally speaking? generally speaking, i would say people are handling it as well as can be expected. i mean, life goes on. there are people out and about today. many people, of course, last night were stranded because the trains were stopped and the subways were stopped. and there was no way for many people to get home. so, for example, i walked down the street to the nearby hyatt hotel and there were people camped out in the lobby. i think people are handling it about as well as you can handle a situation that s just as unpredictable as this. bill: did you feel the quake yourself? you are in tokyo and the quake
counted up the number of times i interrupted the president. the first tally was around 20. now i believe the number is up to 2,000. the truth is the tv interviewers who want to get answers must, must interrupt their guests. here is the proof. the house republican budget. chris: i m asking you about your budget. chris, may i answer? chris: yes, i m asking you to answer my question which is is that the best democrats can do? i m going to finish one way or the other here, chris. the house republican budget takes all of its cuts out of 12% of our budget. bill: some people want mandatory retirement age where you would have to take it raised up to about 67. are you for that? do you want to raise that mandatory age to 6 retirement? everything is going to have to change for those who are enrolled in the program now and will be enrolled in the program now. but we do not change the pension benefits of those who are receiving. bill: i agree. and i really apologize that up here