A day after Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan dismissed as "fabricated" an audio clip where he is claimed to have made some comments about the DMK's first family, the BJP's state unit said it will seek an "independent forensic audit" of the tape.
Honourable Governor, this April gathering is the third round of the Atoa Samoa. Talks. The intention remains clear; we should continue to collaborate and consolidate our positions on what we see will reap mutual benefits for all our people.At this juncture, let us reflect on the beginnings of our.
Opposition AIADMK was not present when the resolution was moved as the K Palaniswami-led party had earlier staged a walkout on a different issue, while the BJP voted against it
Bhubaneswar : FLO Bhubaneswar, the women wing of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), under the leadership of FLO Bhubaneswar Chairperson Ms. Namrita Chahal and other core committee members installed a mural at Raj Bhawan o