Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
the heart of san francisco. you have got to review this thing. is the barstool app. are we going to review this? this thing needs a review. so you are telling me they got pizza there? if they have pizza i will review and it fair and down the middle. that s how i always am. jesse: you are going to be fair and down the middle with fauci s pizza? you think anybody believes that? i will be fair. i don t like a lot of things he has done but pizza is pizza. you have got to keep it down the middle. you have to. jesse: pizza here and fauci all the way up here. destroyed the country. destroyed all these small businesses that you so generously bailed out. you are not going to have uninkling of bias when you are reviewing a slice with fauci cooking it? i m the most unbiased human who ever lived. even if i wanted to give him a bad score i wouldn t be capable. d.a. be honest. jesse: that s what everybody thinks, honest dave. we will have to have you review it and send someone too.