for the next debate, does cain have what takes to go the distance? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer and you re in the situation room. . president obama says that iran must be held accountable for an alleged plot to kill a saudi ambassador to the united states. he is ramping up efforts to punish and isolate iran as he puts pressure on republicans in congress for blocking his jobs bill. jess yak jessica yellin is standing by much he was asked about the alleged assassination plots, the links to the iranian government. give us the headlines. well, the president repeatedly declined to say that nation s supreme leader and president were aware of the alleged plot. but he insisted that knowledge of it reached high into the iranian government. here s the president. we believe that if even if at the highest levels there was not detailed operational knowledge, there has to be accountability with respect to anybody in
stoically, saying very little to reporters. not long ago he spoke about the man convicted of brutalizing his family. i m not surprised is at all. i thought from the beginning that he was a lying sociopathic personality. and probably at this moment doesn t think he s guilty of anything. he s convinced himself of that i suspect. you will hear more from dr. petit and debra feyerick who was right there in the courtroom. but first, herman cain has gone from underdog to possible top dog. the latest nbc wall street journal poll shows cain with support from 27% of republican voters. mitt romney is four points behind him. ranked third is rick perry with 16% saying they would vote for him. today, as you may have seen in the last hour on cnn, cain sat down with erin burnett for an interview that covered several topics. we begin on the alleged plot to kill the saudi ambassador to the united states. watch. i happen to believe in a this attempted assassination, that iran has its fi
sanitation. police say they arrested 14 protesters today who blocked traffic and turned over trash cans. texas governor rick perry is unveiling his national energy plan in suburban pittsburgh right now. live pictures. he says president perry will expand drilling on federal lands and get rid of clean air rules and other, quote, activist regulations. perry says getting bureaucracy out of the way will mean 1 million or more new jobs. perry has stumbled in the polls. his wife came to his defense. it s been a rough time. we ve been brutalized, eaten up and chewed up in the press, to where i mean, we re being brutalized by our opponents and our party. so much of that is, i think they look at him because of his faith. anita perry went on to say, we didn t have to do this. she says we are running to save our children and the soul of the country. end quote. presidential candidate herman cain is on a roll in more ways than one. he s kicking off a bus tour across tennessee nex
white house with a story just in to cnn. jessica, what do you know? reporter: a senior administration official tells cnn that a senior member of the network has been killed. it happened overnight earlier today in north waziristan, pakistan. and a man by the name of, we re told played a central role in helping the hackani network attack u.s. targets in kabul and south eastern afghanistan. that he was killed in a part of pakistan. and this is considered a safe haven for the haqqani network. they say he is the most senior leader in pakistan to be taken off the battlefield. as you know, the haqqani network considered a terrorist organization linked to the taliban and blamed by u.s. officials for the attack on the u.s. embassy as well as the attack on u.s. troops among other attacks. let me ask but other attacks. i know the president greeted his counterpart in south korea. you hit him hard with some questions about not only iran but also the u.s. economy. on the economy, you a
cut, unemployment benefits, tax credits for businesses, protection against bias for unemployed job applicants. despite the president s hard line push to nas bill and tireless national campaign, obama s jobs plan essentially die ted hands of senate republicans tuesday on a key procedural vote. 60 votes were needed. clearly, the votes just weren t there. the president knew it was coming. he now has to rethink and regroup. the republicans don t exactly have a concrete alternative jobs bill to fix the problem. so the big question is what happens now? are we back to square one or do we call it plan b? whatever you want to call it let s talk about it with someone who knows a lot about it chief national correspondent and anchor, john king, joining us live now from washington. hi there, john. so the president, he says that he is prepared to break his jobs bill now into pieces in the hopes of getting parts of it throughsome that the answer here, do you think? it is the only answer b