Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh s separation rumours had recently left their fans heartbroken. Soon after, the duo dispelled those speculations with their social media PDA.
Pictures from Azad Rao's birthday celebrations have made it to the internet. Popular novelist-columnist Shobha De shared pictures of Azad's birthday celebrations on social media.
Like Kardashian, West also blamed irreconcilable differences
West s response was quite similar to Kardashian s original submission both of them blamed irreconcilable differences for the decision.
Kardashian had underlined that they kept their properties separate throughout their marriage, as per the pre-nuptial agreement.
Evidently, the celebrities don t want to tweak this agreement as West didn t contest the same.
The court could approve the separation date in the coming weeks.
Series of events
Problems have been brewing between West, Kardashian for several months
West and Kardashian, who once made for one of Hollywood s most successful couples, had been facing issues after the rapper entered the 2020 US Presidential race.