that s it for this show, they should be exhold fair, balanced and unafraid. tomorrow. martha: absolutely. wive is the president and still waiting for word of the administration seeking that tulsi gabbard press turkish speak on this issue, conference from iowa. pete? that s one of the big questions here. expect it to happen tonight. we will see if it does. might happen with martha. call them the yp. her show is next. the story starts right now. k what erdogan calls hi, martha. martha: we are still waiting as well for that we them. this is absolutely their will cover it as soon as it talking points. are you okay with that? happens. bret, good to see you peter: either they are tonight. one thing or the other. good evening, everybody. so here s what we have got for you. either allies we should be martha: days after the first 2020 democrat tom steyer is the one to step able to work alongside or chinese s xi warned enemies which i believe they protesters of bodies smashed up. he
martha: my dianna imitation. is it wrong of me to not have that much sympathy of her. martha: a lot of people feel that way. she is an actress. she knew what she was getting into. i know there was intense media scrutiny. she knew this is the royal family. not just anybody getting involved with. she saw what principal isis dianna went through. i would say this was something part of the plan to be honest. martha: i think part of martha: a stunning the plan was her to get accusation tonight leveled by the former democratic nominee for president against one of the current wall-to-wall negative coverage on things she 020 candidates. hillary clinton claiming probably sees and not very that tulsi gabbard might be fair. and also just because she a secret russian asset. does have this wonderful privileged life doesn t mean i m not making any that anybody should face predictions but i think they have got their eye on such hatred. martha: a lot of it comes somebody who is currentl
to remind everybody that oh with the alfred smith dinner yeah, jill stein did it to me last time and now they annual event everyone wear as white tie, elegant are trying to do it with tulsi gabbard this time? evening. here is what general mattis had to say about the this is not an excuse. treatment he has received it s basically an important from the president of the united states. fact check. watch. i m not just an overrated it s sounding the alarm. this news may be stunning to donald trump. general, i am the greatest, maybe it s stunning to karl rove. the world s most overrated. but every one of the intelligence directors in the trump administration [laughter] i m honored to be have pointed out that russia considered that by donald deliberately attacked our trump because he also called democracy for the purpose of hurting hillary clinton and mayoramerrill veep anmeryl stred supporting donald trump. they all said that on the record in senate testimony. martha: robert, hold on
misdirection. deal with what hillary clinton said. i am. and the reality is. she said she is a russian asset. karl, the reality is she is supporting putin s agenda in syria. it should concern all of us. martha: robert, before we run out of time, robert. at least we know two people who are going to we re going to give two people who do agree that she is a russian asset. robert zimmerman and hillary clinton. let s see the evidence. let s put it out there. [inaudible] [talking at the same time] martha: so you are defending hillary clinton? i m defending hillary clinton? martha: one of the candidates for her party. you can disagree with her on foreign policy, whatever you want. this is a veteran, someone who i said has served 16 years in the military. still active in the national guard. you really think that the russians are using her as an asset? you believe that robert? vladimir putin s agenda in syria. frankly from my view she presents or if not her we are certai