>> martha: my dianna imitation. >> is it wrong of me to not have that much sympathy of her. >> martha: a lot of people feel that way. >> she is an actress. she knew what she was getting into. i know there was intense media scrutiny. she knew this is the royal family. not just anybody getting involved with. she saw what principal isis dianna went through. i would say this was something part of the plan to be honest. >> martha: i think part of >> martha: a stunning the plan was her to get accusation tonight leveled by the former democratic nominee for president against one of the current wall-to-wall negative coverage on things she 020 candidates. hillary clinton claiming probably sees and not very that tulsi gabbard might be fair. and also just because she a secret russian asset. does have this wonderful privileged life doesn't mean >> i'm not making any that anybody should face predictions but i think they have got their eye on such hatred. >> martha: a lot of it comes somebody who is currently in from her own family. the democratic primary. i mean, her father has been and they are grooming her to be the third party horrible. candidate. she is a favored of the you know, written -- shares russians. they have a bunch of sites everything with the british and bots and other ways of tabloids which are 10 times supporting her so far. worse than american tabloids. and that's assuming jill >> you bring up such a good point. one of the reasons she has stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's fallen victim to this is