ththemem a aboboutut i it.t. thththth i iss w whahatt i iss nececesessasaryry.. pupublblicicanans s araree r rigightht a aboboutut cecertrtaiain n papartrts s ofofofofhihis.s. theyeyre r rigightht.. theyey a arere r rightht a aboboutut t thehe sesenanatete b beieieiei s sililly b bilililil wewe have canan a allll c cononcecededet't'ss sisilllly.y. popossssibiblyly n notot p posossisisie to imimplplememememt.t. youu c canananan b be r rigightht a andndndnd a a a aoo lolosese.. bubuilildidingng t theheheherorounundwdwork for that n neeeedededd t t t t h happen before ththatat.. wiwithth c cererererinin a actctivivisists it w wililll reresosonanatete.. > l letet m mee s s s s i if you lookt ththee p polollilingng t thahatttt come out totodadadadainin t thehe " "wawashington popostst,",",","hehe prererededentntss n numumbebersrs araree goioi u up.p. ththee r repepububububcacansns a andnd c conongreseseses nunumbmbererss are g goioingngowown.n. shshififtitingng o onn i indndependents onon whwhoo i issssetetteterr to trurustst t thehe ececononomomy?y? ththisis i iss m matatteterr f foror a anynynyny o obabamama rere-e-elelectctioionn c camampapaigignn.. whwhatat a arererereheheyy d doioingng?? > b breret:t: w whihichch i iss why chuck scschuhuhuhur r soso h hapappy t t t tssveveniningng.. upup n nexexexex s shohoululdd u u.s.s. . cucutt o offff sasaududi a ararabia? vovotete i i i i t thehe online queststn o off the day onhehe h homomee p pagage,e, fofoxnxnewews.s.cocom/m/spspececiaialrlrepeporort.t. you can log in andnd geteady fofofofo o onlnlininee s shohoww t tononigightht a ass wewellll.. whwhilile e e e u'u'rere t theherere..