To look back in Carroll County history, any given month of the year provides a historian with a cornucopia of thrilling stories to explore, but April has always been especially fascinating.
Melvin Starner’s display at the Historical Society of Carroll County offers history enthusiasts an opportunity to see photographs of people, places and things taken more than 100 years ago by Pleasant Valley photographer Hollie H. Helwig.
In the last 20 years the Carroll Arts Center has proven invaluable as not only a center for arts and cultural events, but also as a critical economic development driver.
While the volume and type of vehicles have changed since the early 19th century, those engaged in journeys along local roads do so for much the same reasons and with similar needs as yesteryears: “Gas, Food and Lodging,” as announced on blue logo signs along interstates today.
Participation in the Carroll County National History Day competition, which empowers students develop research skills and write theses and bibliographies, was roughly triple what it was last year.