A new survey of students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions finds that lmost half have struggled with food insecurity in the past 30 days, including at schools in California. In the report, funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, many students said they ve had to choose between paying rent and buying food. .
It is our hope that this report will open a window of opportunity for nursing to acknowledge its history of racism and resolve to solidify a future that is welcoming, respectful, and supportive of all nurses regardless of race, ethnicity, or any other unique attributes. Anything less is counter to the core principles of a profession that demands caring, compassion, and respect for everyone.
Rocio Sanchez has been named Advocate Condell Medical Center s 2021 Nurse of the Year. She was chosen from among more than 700 nominees on behalf of nurses from a variety of specialties.