lot later that day and detectives have found no evidence thus far that they had financial problems or were facing any threats. gregg: new signs the economy may be turning around while the unemployment rate is holding steady at 9.7% the good news is labor productivity, that grew by nearly 7%. and, labor costs, those fell. by nearly 6% of the in the fourth quarter of 2009 and it could have an impact. maybe a big one. on the employment. fox news senior business correspondent, and anchor of bulls and bears, brenda buttner joins us to break it down. how does it impact employment. we know how productivity works and, basically, that is how much work you put out. and, if joe, the guy next to you, gets fired, oftentimes they don t hire somebody in this environment to replace him. so, you end up doing joe s work. productivity goes up, because there are fewer hours worked, there is less money paid.
bill: they have to worry if they don t show up? they will be damaged. bill, if you were doing it you know media you know how to use the space. bill: get somebody. rent somebody. hire somebody. you know, come on. they need a consultant maybe from your show. bill: let s wrap it up with this nut in austin, texas. he hates the irs, he hates organized religion. he hates obama that. he mates bush, he hates everybody. i don t think there is anything more to this story than some unhinged guy doing damage. do you? well, i promise you over the next few days you will hear from the left and all the crazies that, you know, we talk about other networks and so forth trying to tie cpac maybe, the tea party movement, all of this anger on the right that is out there and it s affecting having a dill tearous effect on the way people behave and that crazies can take what people say on radio and it v and conferences and run with it. you will hear that i don t think it s believable. the guy is
bill: they have to worry if they don t show up? they will be damaged. bill, if you were doing it you know media you know how to use the space. bill: get somebody. rent somebody. hire somebody. you know, come on. they need a consultant maybe from your show. bill: let s wrap it up with this nut in austin, texas. he hates the irs, he hates organized religion. he hates obama that. he mates bush, he hates everybody. i don t think there is anything more to this story than some unhinged guy doing damage. do you? well, i promise you over the next few days you will hear from the left and all the crazies that, you know, we talk about other networks and so forth trying to tie cpac maybe, the tea party movement, all of this anger on the right that is out there and it s affecting having a dill tearous effect on the way people behave and that crazies can take what people say on radio and it v and conferences and run with it. you will hear that i don t think it s believable. the guy is
bill: they have to worry if they don t show up? they will be damaged. bill, if you were doing it you know media you know how to use the space. bill: get somebody. rent somebody. hire somebody. you know, come on. they need a consultant maybe from your show. bill: let s wrap it up with this nut in austin, texas. he hates the irs, he hates organized religion. he hates obama that. he mates bush, he hates everybody. i don t think there is anything more to this story than some unhinged guy doing damage. do you? well, i promise you over the next few days you will hear from the left and all the crazies that, you know, we talk about other networks and so forth trying to tie cpac maybe, the tea party movement, all of this anger on the right that is out there and it s affecting having a dill tearous effect on the way people behave and that crazies can take what people say on radio and it v and conferences and run with it. you will hear that i don t think it s believable. the guy is
creation by giving a tax break to employers that hire somebody who has been unemployed when they laid off people earlier is unfair to those that worked hard to keep their workforce intact. much more sensible would be to just keep the tax rates where they are for small businesses and not allow them to increase as the president has proposed. but senator, isn t there a problem here for republicans who had been for small business tax cuts, who argued that small businesses are where the jobs are created? here is a jobs-creating they hope, tax cut for small businesses. and if republicans come out against things that they have, at least in some permutation wanted in the past, don t you kind of feed into their claim that you are the party of no? candy, my response earlier was that this is not a proposal republicans had made. we have a different small business approach. now, the goal is the same.