viral then. hip-hop is building. everyone s taking notice to hip-hop fashion in this culture. right? young white kids are, like embracing our music more and more and more. as a young lawyer could embracing the music, has it created a crossover effect in fashion. whatever rappers we re wearing, that s what they wanted to wear. department stores have had an interesting relationship with three. whereas the beginning, they were hesitant to participate in anything involved in the street. we have a larger hill to climb, because we are interpreted as definitely not fashion. we re looked at as a trend. when i initially went to a lot of the bigger stores, those big department stores, i got resistance, such as take the hang tag off. i was like why, weathers for african americans on there. we don t want those type of people in our store. or we don t feel like dealing with a lot of shoplifting or shoot outs in the store.