According to Section 7 of the Hindu Marriage Act, the word ‘solemnised’ means that unless the ceremonies are performed, the marriage is not considered to be solemnised or valid. Section 7(2) states in case the ceremony includes ‘saptapadi’ (where bride and groom jointly take seven steps) the marriage is said to be solemnised on the completion of the seventh step
The Allahabad High Court ordered that ‘Kanyadan’ does not solemnise a marriage or makes it valid. Only Section 7 of the Hindu Marriage Act provides only ‘Saptpadi’ as a ceremony in a Hindu marriage
It is a significant step towards concretisation of the prohibition of child marriage in Assam, as the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935, allows marriages to be registered even if both parties have not attained the legal age
The debate around bringing the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in all the states of India has now become a controversial topic since it can mold several crucial laws like age of consent, adoption, and divorce.
Uniform Civil Code would put in place a set of laws to govern personal matters of all citizens irrespective of religion is perhaps the need of the hour and ensuring that their fundamental and Constitutional rights are protected.