In an exclusive interview with India Today, the family of the victim of the Singhu border killing said they had not intended to protest against anti-farm laws farmers or Nihang Sikhs on October 27, but were brought by members of the Hind Mazdoor Kisan Samiti for the same.
A group of farmers from Hind Mazdoor Kisan Samiti on Wednesday alleged that they were stopped and lathicharged by the Delhi Police in Narela area while going towards the Singhu border to demand justice for Lakhbir Singh, who was lynched at the farmers' protest site for alleged sacrilege. According to police, the group claiming to be a part of a farmers' association created
To prevent any situation that may spark unrest at the farmers' agitation site in Singhu, Delhi Police today stopped a group of protesters headed that way to demand compensation for the murder of Lakhbir Singh
Tribune News ServiceNew Delhi, October 27
Delhi police launched a late evening crackdown on hundreds of farmers gathered at Narela near Singhu Border here to support the family of Lakhbir Singh, wh