Asia Society Texas announces the appointment of Owen Duffy, Ph.D., as the organization's new Nancy C. Allen Curator and Director of Exhibitions. Duffy was previously the director of St. John's University's Yeh Art Gallery.
Dimapur, Oct. 20 (EMN): As a prelude to centenary celebration of the school establishment, Government Middle School (GMS) at Sector A in Kigwema village conducted an environmental awareness programme at the school premises on October 19. A press release from the school informed that the programme was conducted in collaboration with the department of Environment, Forests and Climate change, government of Nagaland, under National Mission on Himalayan Studies project (NMHS) titled “Increasing carbon sequestration and promoting conservation of declining life support forest tree species through community participation in Kohima.” Speaking on the occasion, Keneikrul Noswe, forest range officer of Social Forestry Range, exhorted the students on importance of nature and environment related issues and impressed upon the students to love and care for nature and environments with utmost sincerity. He also encouraged them to plant trees and form an eco-club in the school. During the session, K
Close to the Gandhis, the Roerichs were forlorn at the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984. Svetoslav Roerich and his wife, the actress Devika Rani, were ageing and issueless. What weighed heavy on their mind was that once they were gone, what would happen to the legacy of their father, the renow
Experts and environmentalists feel that the Himalayan region is facing new challenges and going through rapid changes due to unplanned development for economic growth.
Experts and environmentalists feel that the Himalayan region is facing new challenges and going through rapid changes due to unplanned development for economic growth.Participating in a discussion on 'Bioresources to Bioeconomy for the .